HBA Funnel Builder Review – Step by Step to Create a Funnel

HBA Funnel Builder Review is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to create a funnel for your business. It includes everything from choosing a template to customizing your funnel and adding features like opt-ins and email capture forms. (This review was updated in 2024.)

The guide is easy to follow and includes screenshots and instructions for each step. To mention that HBA Funnel is part of “The Home Business Academy,” aka All-In-One $25 Digital Business.

nnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel

Table of Contents

All In One $25 Business Special Products Included:

  • HBA Funnel Builder
  • Ultimate Email & Traffic Swipe File
  • FREEDOM LaunchPad
  • All In One Business (free Giveaway included to start promoting your business)

Only $25 HBA Funnel Builder Special Offer 

What is a funnel builder, and what is it used for?

A funnel builder is a tool that helps you create sales funnels to generate leads and sales. A sales funnel is a series of steps that you take the lead through to capture their information and turn them into a customer.

A marketing funnel is similar but captures leads for your marketing purposes. A capture page is a page on your website where you offer something of value in exchange for a lead’s contact information. A review page is a page where you can read reviews of a product or service before making a purchase.

A funnel builder is a tool that helps online marketers and entrepreneurs build sales funnels. A sales funnel is a process of turning prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers. The main purpose of a funnel builder is to help you create landing pages, opt-in forms, and email autoresponders so that you can capture leads and convert them into customers.

HBA funnel editor cheatsheet-toolsforaffiliatemarketing.com

What is the HBA Funnel Builder?

The HBA Funnel Builder is a tool that helps you create marketing funnels.

The HBA Funnel Builder is a tool that helps home business owners generate leads and sales. It is a part of the Home Business Academy, which is a training and support program for people who want to start or grow their home-based businesses.

The Funnel Builder is a web-based tool that helps users create and manage their sales funnels. It includes templates for lead capture pages, sales pages, membership courses, websites, and email follow-up sequences.

HBA Funnel Builder

9.8 out of 10
The Home Business Academy Review - Scam or Legit?

HBA funnel builder makes it easier to design unlimited marketing pages and sales funnels for any product, business, and service. It includes a few additional features such as membership sites, digital products, order/checkout pages, sales pages, thank you pages, and lead capture pages.

9.7 out of 10
Ease of Use
9.8 out of 10
Look & Feel
9.7 out of 10
9.9 out of 10
Affiliate Program
10 out of 10


Easy to use

Cheapest funnel builder

The HBA software costs $25, and you receive $20 (80%) as an affiliate partner.


It requires you to spend time on training to understand the platform.

What is the price of the HBA Funnel Builder?

The HBA Funnel Builder is a tool that home business owners can use to create funnels, websites, and courses for their businesses. Using the builder costs $25 per month, and members also have access to the HBA Academy.

The academy is a great resource for learning about funnel building and affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from home, and the HBA Funnel Builder is a great tool to help you get started.

HBA Funnel Builder affiliate program is paying you 80% of the $25 sale, which is $20.

If you have two people on your team, basically, you are using the software for free, helping you make more money. So this is the best affiliate program for 2022 as a recurring income.


Why do you need an HBA Funnel Builder?

A funnel is a process of turning prospects into customers. An HBA funnel builder helps you create sales and marketing funnels to turn your website visitors into paying customers.

With this tool, you can create landing pages, membership sites, and email campaigns that funnel your prospects through your sales process.

Why Choose This Funnel Builder?

There are many reasons to choose this funnel builder over others. The HBA business model is very successful and has been used by many businesses to increase their sales and profits. This funnel builder is also very user-friendly and easy to use.

It has many features that other funnel builders do not have, such as the ability to create custom fields, add products to the cart, and track customer behavior.

What Is The Home Business Academy? Aka HBA

The Home Business Academy is a business that provides tools and resources for people who want to build an online business.

The Home Business Academy offers a variety of marketing tools and resources, as well as coaching and support, to help people build their own online businesses.

The company also has an affiliate program where people can earn 80% commissions by promoting the Home Business Academy products to others.

HBA is a famous educational training website and membership platform that provides an extensive range of tutorials, Masterminds, and over-the-shoulder training. This system is designed by business owners Paul Hutchings and Mike Hobbs, who can now make dozens of dollars in profits out of the home business arena. Please note that this is not an MLM type of business is pure affiliate marketing.

The owners of HBA are more concerned about their members and demonstrate great availability and consistency in answering the queries and concerns of the members. These experienced professionals are very much professional, and you can even connect to them through chat and telegram alerts. Their diligence can offer great expertise and knowledge to the people who are beginning with this money-making idea. 

The members of the HBA platform have started making a real impact on the world by teaching others the best tips and tricks about making money online. The tools and training materials available with HBA can enhance the overall skillset and mindset of the members. These effective techniques and strategies can transform your struggling business into a flourishing one. 

The mission statement of HBA is “Freedom through Principle-Centred Leadership,” and they are working hard to achieve their vision. This company is a heart-centered group of entrepreneurs that work from home and are willing to help others build some impactful home-based businesses. It may further help them to have enhanced freedom and resources to do what they actually love.

To lead the vision of generosity, HBA has further taken the initiative to provide more than 154,000+ days of meals provided to kids by our community to Feed My Starving Children charitable nonprofit organization.

What does HBA Funnel Builder offer?

HBA Funnel Builder offers a powerful and easy-to-use funnel builder that makes creating and customizing your funnels quick. With HBA Funnel Builder, you can create lead capture pages, sales pages, webinar pages, membership sites, upsell pages, checkout pages, complete sales funnels, and websites.

You can see the HBA Funnel Builder DEMO HERE!

The HBA Funnel Builder is an amazing tool that allows you to quickly and easily create high-converting sales funnels.

With the HBA Funnel Builder, you can:

  • Create beautiful, high-converting sales funnels with ease
  • Add an unlimited number of pages to your funnel
  • Customize the look and feel of your funnel pages
  • Build websites and membership course
  • Use the online store to sell anything you want in the digital world
  • Add opt-in forms, order forms, and upsells with just a few clicks
  • Integrate with your favorite email marketing and payment processors

HBA Funnel Builder Review Summary:

Sales funnels are the backbone of an affiliate marketing model and may help people make money online. In case you have not yet understood the ins and outs of these productive sales funnels, you are now on the right page.

Here we will talk about one of the most popular and widely used lead-generation platforms – Home Business Academy (HBA). This drag-and-drop funnel builder can assist business owners to present their services and products to the ideal customer easily. 

HBA Funnel Builder is part of the home business academy website and tool created by Paul Hutchings and Mike Hobbs. It is designed to help people build successful online businesses by providing a step-by-step system for creating effective marketing funnels.

The site includes a number of video tutorials and a blog and forum where users can ask questions and get advice from other members. Overall, the HBA Funnel Builder is a helpful resource for anyone interested in starting an online business.

What Are HBA Sales Funnels?

Business owners often find themselves in a visionary state to lead their niche online. You must have some impactful ideas to jump-start your business plans, but you may need a reliable platform to attract potential customers.

One such solution can be sales funnels. HBA is here to help struggling business owners set up their own sales funnels that can promise enhanced conversion rates in the long run. Experienced business owners widely use these funnels to enjoy lead generation and faster sales closure. 

It is believed that potential customers at the business terminal can be visualized more like an upside-down triangle. Usually, there are more customers on the top, but they can be further narrowed down based on how many people would actually like to sign up for your niche services and offers.

The four major sections of HBA sales funnels include:

Awareness Section

In this portion of the funnel, you will find an audience that understands your business but does not find a focused interest in it. They must have determined their specific problem and are now looking for some reliable solution.

Chances are that they have become aware of your organization via email marketing, content marketing, or social media marketing campaigns. 

Interest Section

This section includes potential customers aware of your business and looking forward to more information. They are currently not convinced with the point that they should avail some offers from your business.

Although the number of customers at this stage is less than the previous stage, they offer the enhanced possibility for conversion. They may try to contact you for more information while conducting some competitive research on other platforms to understand which product and offer can meet their needs. 

Decision Section

At this stage, you will find customers that are deciding if they should avail of your offer or try to approach your competitors. This is generally a critical section where you should provide some convincing reason to the people to invest in your service and products.

Once satisfied with your proposal and idea, they can easily progress through the funnel. As a result, you will have more relevant customers filtered out to the next stage. 

Action Section

This ultimate portion of the sales funnel has customers who have already decided to invest in your business based on your marketing technique. All business owners and marketing teams aim to bring their potential customers to this action stage of the sales funnel. You can use sound marketing strategies in your organization to ensure success at this funnel stage. 

If you run a business online, you may need a reliable sales-to-funnel arrangement to grow your conversion rate. You can take help from the HBA funnel builder to lead your marketing strategies in favor of your business. 

Incredible features of HBA Sales Funnel Builder

In general, sales funnels are also named purchase funnels. They visually represent a customer’s journey with the business while depicting the sales process right from awareness to action. HBA funnel builder offers to help you design some highly effective funnels for your business while motivating a higher number of people to initiate a purchase. 

When you are interested to streamline your business, sales funnels can help you better. They can help you save an enormous amount while promising enhanced lead generation.

There are so many features of the HBA sales funnel builder that you may be interested to know before investing:

  • It comes with a booking widget that allows your prospects to schedule appointments with you to discuss more details.
  • The toggle feature makes managing more than one business account easier on funnel builder.
  • Business owners or marketing teams can access copy feature on the HBA funnel builder to copy various necessary elements to the clipboard so that they can be reused on other pages. 
  • HBA funnel builder also consists of a feature for replicating pages that allow users to create web pages with a relevant call to action button that associated teams can use to boost their sales. 
  • It comes with a funnel builder academy that offers a free training library for teaching a step-by-step process to build essential pages and do other essential tasks to achieve the best results with the HBA funnel builder.
  • HBA funnel builder can host PDFs and audio to meet customer requirements.
  • Business owners can access features to build membership sites, run courses or sell products and services online.
  • The global columns feature makes it easier to save your favorite columns and use them on your business pages with ease.

With all these incredible features, the HBA funnel builder can help you design seven-figure sales funnels as an affiliate and make great profits in the long run. This funnel builder can help you design eye-capturing pages for your personal branding.

This product is useful for so many internet marketers. If you run a business online, you can consider using the HBA funnel builder to make capture pages, webinar pages, sales pages, whole websites, bridge pages, upsells, and down sells. 

How to use the HBA sales funnel to make money?

Those looking for growth opportunities in the business sector or with an affiliate marketing idea can use HBA funnel builder tools to lead their project. HBA funnel builder can help you make money online with a solid affiliate marketing strategy.

Below we have listed a few steps for you to make money with the HBA sales funnel:

Step 1: Select a service or product that you want to promote online as an affiliate. 

Step 2: Use the HBA funnel builder to design your own marketing and sales funnels with a dedicated set of pages. 

Step 3: Learn marketing tactics from the HBA academy training and use them to drive leads toward your business.

When people start buying your products and services, they will help you make money as an affiliate. 

Start Building Your Email List

It is possible to combine some impactful email auto-responders with your affiliate marketing program to capture the eyes of potential customers. It helps to maintain convenient follow-up with prospects while offering value-based learning. 

Experts state that the funnel is the most effective tool for any affiliate business, and it provides opportunities to focus on important goals and bring some paying customers to your platform. The funnel can help you know all the steps that you need to follow to achieve specific business goals while keeping track of customer engagement and behavior. 

Building a relevant email list and capturing leads are the two most important steps of the HBA funnel builder. They can help you connect with more relevant customers that are interested in your business and can pay you more in the long run. HBA sales funnel creates a streamlined process for businesses to identify and qualify the most relevant customers. 

Bonuses available with HBA Funnel Builder:

If you are planning to invest in an HBA funnel builder, you will be happy to hear that this simple drag-and-drop funnel builder offers a mobile-friendly solution for business owners and marketers. With the package, you will be able to access a few additional bonuses as well, including:

Bonus 1: Funnel Builder’s Academy

When you take the HBA funnel builder plan, you can also access several essential learning tools from the academy. The package is loaded with step-by-step demos, training, and many more to help new affiliates to lead their business.

The best part is that this builder will work 24×7 hours for you to enjoy enhanced lead generation. Once you invest in this package, they can provide unlimited access to training so that you can soon become a funnel-building expert. Since you can learn everything from basic to advanced, you can soon start creating offers, membership sites, or a variety of sales funnels. 

Bonus 2: Live Help & Training

The funnel builder’s academy provides easy access to live help and training sessions where users can ask essential questions about their projects from field experts. As all these trainings are archived, one can also catch the replay whenever needed.

Also, you can send your questions to the professionals in advance, and they will get relevant answers for you. These interactive sessions can provide instant corrections, tips, and suggestions on funnel-building practices. 

Bonus 3: Create Unlimited Pages Quickly

With HBA funnel builder, you can create any number of sites, pages, and funnels to promote your business online. Just by following a couple of mouse clicks, you can easily create high-converting pages for your affiliate marketing program. These advanced tools can help you set up a considerable stream of income. 

Bonus 4: Gain 80% Commissions

HBA funnel builder can provide you full access to the private affiliate program with up to 80% commissions on every new recommendation. Once you buy the package, you can access affiliate training, promotional sites, and links without paying additional fees to the admins. 

Bonus 5: 24×7 Hour Community Support

HBA funnel builders allow users to be a part of the private community of exclusive funnel builders. These many entrepreneurs can better guide you on funnel building for your new business. Moreover, you can also discuss your strategies, thoughts, and ideas with them to make adequate decisions in business. 

Now you have gone through all the essential details about the HBA funnel builder. It is the right time to grab this incredible offer and find new growth opportunities for your business. The process is super simple and fun to follow, with the ability to truly turn your dreams of leading a successful business. 

Bonus 6: Lead Generation Mastery Free Course

You can access the Lead Generation Mastery free course at the end of this tutorial, register for instant access.

Register below to receive free access to the webinar.

What Can You Do With HBA Funnel Builder?

HBA Funnel Builder is an online builder tool allowing users to create and manage their marketing funnels. The tool includes a wide range of features, including a drag-and-drop funnel builder, websites, courses, and an online store, with detailed reporting.

HBA Funnel Builder is a great tool for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to take control of their own marketing. The drag-and-drop campaign builder makes creating and managing campaigns easy, and the detailed reporting provides valuable insights into your marketing efforts.

All In One $25 Business Special Products Included:

  • HBA Funnel Builder
  • Ultimate Email & Traffic Swipe File
  • FREEDOM LaunchPad
  • All In One Business (free Giveaway included to start promoting your business)

Only $25 HBA Funnel Builder Special Offer 

Features Of The HBA Funnel Builder – Step By Step To Create A Funnel

Regarding features, the HBA Funnel Builder is second to none. Its ability to easily create and edit pages and its wide range of integrations makes it the perfect tool for creating high-converting funnels.

The HBA Funnel Builder is an excellent option for creating a funnel. It’s easy to use and has various features that make it a powerful tool for marketing funnels. We’ll examine some of the key features of the HBA Funnel Builder and how to use them to create a successful funnel.

Are you a beginner in affiliate marketing and need training on how affiliate marketing works and how to build your first funnel? Look no more as the HBA funnel builder Academy has all the training and hundreds of videos explaining every operation. Also, here on this website, I review a few tips and tricks I wanted to know when I start building funnels and my affiliate marketing business.

If you are an affiliate marketer, the most important feature that stands out from other funnel builders is the links shortener:

How To Use The HBA Funnel Application to Create “Pretty Links” for Your Affiliate Programs

If you are an affiliate marketer, you know the importance of having links to your affiliate programs. The HBA funnel builder has a great tool to help you create pretty links for your affiliate programs. I will show you how to use the HBA funnel builder to create pretty links for your affiliate programs. 

What is the HBA Funnel Builder “Pretty Links” Application?

The HBA application converts long, ugly affiliate links into shorter links. You will understand what we mean by pretty links if you are familiar with “pretty” URLs. The HBA Funnel Builder makes it easy for you to create pretty affiliate links for your marketing campaigns by converting long, ugly affiliate links into short and attractive affiliate links. You can use these pretty links in your emails, website, courses, funnels, or in social media posts.

What is the HBA Funnel Builder

Step 1: 

It would be best if you dedicated a domain name for your HBA Funnel Builder, or you can use the custom domain allocated to your Application. This can be something like “YOURNAME.members.hbafunnelbuilder.com.”

Step 2:

Click on the funnel setting and choose the last Application, “URL Redirects.”

Step 3:

Click add new redirect and start building your short affiliate links.

Step 4:

Enter your OFFER NAME

Enter your affiliate link from your affiliate dashboard 

Press SAVE.

What is the HBA Funnel Builder

So your new affiliate link will be:

YourDomainName.com/OfferName will redirect to your affiliate offer from ClickBank, WarriorPlus, GetResponse, or Aweber. 

Note: As you can see in the image, the first block where you insert the new link says “Old URL,” and in the second block, “New URL,” ignore that because it is a bug in the editor. Soon they are going to rectify this minor bug. 

So the first block is for your new short link. 

The second block is for the affiliate link. 

How to Take Booking & Appointments with HBA funnel builder.

If you manage a business that relies on appointments or bookings, you know how important it is to have a reliable booking system. The HBA Funnel Builder, Booking & Appointments tool can help you quickly take and manage appointments. 

With this tool, you can easily create custom booking forms and integrate them into your pages, membership, and online store. You can also send appointment reminders to your customers so they never miss an appointment again.

How to Take Booking & Appointments with HBA funnel builder.

Step 1:

Click Appointments 

Step 2:

Create a new booking event

Step 3:

Add a booking widget to your desired page and test it on an incognito browser.

How To Create A Quiz Funnel In The HBA Funnel Builder

Are you looking to create a quiz funnel in the HBA Funnel Builder? If so, you’re in luck! Creating a quiz funnel is easy and can be a lot of fun. Plus, it’s a great way to engage your audience and get them involved in your content.

The HBA Funnel Builder allows you to easily create quiz funnels and landing pages, which can be a fantastic way to collect data on prospective clients and redirect them to your offers. I know some funnel developers can be expensive and difficult to learn, but using the HBA Funnel Builder will create quiz funnels and landing pages in no time.

How To Create A Quiz Funnel In The HBA Funnel Builder

Step 1:  Add the widget on your funnel page.

Step 2:  Fill up all the fields with questions and answers 

Step 3: Manage quiz results by redirecting the page to a Thank you message or a redirect offer/page.

Step 4: Save and test your work in incognito browsers. 

How To Create A Quiz Funnel In The HBA Funnel Builder

How to Create a Funnel in the HBA Funnel Builder:

Before starting to build the funnels, you need some steps to do to be able to connect everything on autopilot.

A. Get Your affiliate link.

  • Click here to register and get one now! (register now if you are not an HBA member)
  • To the dashboard and select Affiliate Zone.
  • Then press the Samcart Affiliate Login button to register as a partner and follow the instructions.
  • All your affiliate links are inside the Samcart dashboard (not the HBA dashboard).
HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel

All In One $25 Business Special Products Included:

  • HBA Funnel Builder
  • Ultimate Email & Traffic Swipe File
  • FREEDOM LaunchPad
  • All In One Business (free Giveaway included to start promoting your business)

Only $25 HBA Funnel Builder Special Offer 

B. Connect Your Email Autoresponder

HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel
  • 1- Click applications
  • 2- Add application
  • 3 Choose your favorite email platform. In case you don’t have one I recommend AWeber or GetResponse.

1 – First, Watch The Training

Watch the training to see all the options and settings. Also, don’t forget that every 1st Monday of the month, you get live coaching Zoom Mastermind, where you can ask questions and watch how it is done to build the funnel.

2 – Login Into the HBA Funnel Builder

HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel

3 – You already get 3 Optimized Funnels to Start Promoting the HBA Funnel Builder

As you can see, you get three optimized funnels to start promoting as an affiliate. They are hosted on the HBA system, and you don’t need to worry about hosting or domain names.

HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel

3 – Insert Your Affiliate Links

You’ll be amazed how many people click on the photos, and nothing happens. For that reason, I connect any photos from the funnels with a link not to lose the chance of a sale.

1- Click on any photo that you have in your funnel, and select the link icon.

2- Press the open link on click and click the link icon from the black section; a new section will open.

3- Choose the external link

4- Insert your affiliate link or any offer created with your image.

5- Choose a new tab and make the link nofollow by clicking the round check.

6- Select the button, and you have done it; if anyone clicks the image, it will redirect to the offer that you link.

HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel

4- Make edits to text, images, links, emails, and SAVE

After you make considerable edits to your funnel, ensure you save your work by clicking the save button.

HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel

All In One $25 Business Special Products Included:

  • HBA Funnel Builder
  • Ultimate Email & Traffic Swipe File
  • FREEDOM LaunchPad
  • All In One Business (free Giveaway included to start promoting your business)

Only $25 HBA Funnel Builder Special Offer 

How to create Popups on the HBA funnel builder

1 – You can start creating a popup by clicking on the three horizontal lines from the left. 

How to create Popups on the HBA funnel builder

2 – You can access the already-built popup or add a new one. You can choose one of the templates, or you can create a new one from scratch.

How to create Popups on the HBA funnel builder

After you choose the best template, let’s go and set up all the settings.

A* – Popup Settings on HBA Fuunel Popup

  1. Choose the name for identification
  2. Choose when the popup shows up on your funnels:
  3. Show popup after some time on the funnel
  4. Show when people scroll down
  5. Show when people intend to exit the page
  6. And the last option is to choose the animation 
How to create Popups on the HBA funnel builder

B* – Show-on Settings on HBA Fuunel Popup

  • The following setting you need to do is which page you want to show on.
  • Choose a name similar to the builder’s name for easy flow. For example, the “popup-join-now funnel.” Like this, you know that this popup is connected to the “join now” funnel page.
  • Don’t forget to click confirm and Save.
How to create Popups on the HBA funnel builder

How to Save Images and Files on the HBA funnel builder

It is straightforward if you are looking for how to save images or files on HBA builder. Just follow the next steps to upload or find the photos. This workflow will help you work faster.

1 – The first step is to click on the settings icon and choose the file manager from the left column. 

How to Save Images and Files on the HBA funnel builder
How to Save Images and Files on the HBA funnel builder

2 – Choose to add a folder if you have more funnel images and want all to be kept together. Or upload the photos straight to the database. 

How to Save Images and Files on the HBA funnel builder

How to Connect a Custom Domain on the HBA funnel builder

You have a default domain name from the start, but you can have a custom domain for your funnels, shop, membership, courses, and other applications. 

1- The first step is to click on the settings icon and choose “Domains.”

2 – Choose the System domain where you can add a new subdomain.

How to Connect a Custom Domain on the HBA funnel builder

3 – Or choose the custom domain to connect your domain from NameCheap (recommended). You must have access to the hosting domain name platform to add some DNS records. 

How to Connect a Custom Domain on the HBA funnel builder

After connecting the domain, you must wait a few hours for the new connection to spread over the servers. Sometimes is very fast to activate the new domain. 

How do the HBA sales funnel work?

A sale funnel is a process that companies use to convert prospects into customers. The funnel is designed to take potential customers through a journey from awareness to purchase. The steps in a typical sale funnel are:

1. Awareness: Prospects become aware of the company and its products or services.

2. Interest: Prospects show interest in the company and its offerings.

3. Desire: Prospects want to buy the product or service.

4. Action: Prospects take action and purchase the product or service.

You have been seeing it now; try to understand the concept

If you have been researching online marketing for some time, you’ve probably heard about the term “sales funnel.” You may also have seen several articles written by people with their sales funnel. But what is a sales funnel? And how does it work?

A sales funnel system has several steps to get people interested in purchasing. The idea is that each step builds on the previous one. 

So, for example, if you sell cars, you could have a sales funnel that looks something like this:

1) Get a potential customer’s email address

2) Send them a short report on cars

3) If they want more information, send them a more extended report

4) If they still want more information, send them an eBook

5) If they still want more, send them a CD or DVD

6) If they still want more… send them a car

Each step builds on what comes before it

You can see where this might get confusing. But it doesn’t need to be confusing. The point is that each step builds on what comes before it. It is not necessary to go through each step in order. You can skip some steps and go back to them later. This allows you to add additional content or products without starting over from scratch.

So now that you understand the concept let’s look at how you can use a sales funnel to make money on the internet.

First, you need to find a product that you can sell. It could be a physical product such as a book or a CD or a digital product such as an e-book or an audio recording. It doesn’t matter what type of product you sell. The important thing is that it has a demand. Therefore, there must be a market for it.

Second, you need to build a sales funnel around your product. A sales funnel is a sequence of steps leading to a goal. In this case, the goal is to get people to buy your product.

Third, you need to get people to visit your website. This means getting them to your funnel and clicking on a link that takes them to a sale. Once they are there, you can send them to different parts of the funnel, depending on what they want to buy.

Once you have these three things in place, you will begin to see profits. But, again, this is because you will be selling your product or affiliate products repeatedly.

To sum up, a sales funnel is a way to get people to a product so that you can make money. It is a sequence of steps that leads to a goal. You can use this concept to create several sales funnels, each with its own goal. So get Your HBA Funnel Builder now and start building your online business.

Only $25 HBA Funnel Builder Special Offer 

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What are HBA Funnel Costumers Saying?

  • HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel team Reviews
  • HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel team Reviews
  • HBA Funnel Builder Review - Step by Step to Create a Funnel team Reviews

Your mission is not finished after you build your HBA funnel.

It would help if you kept testing the funnels, emailing your list, and promoting your offers to attract sales. But unfortunately, affiliate marketing is not a hobby is a business.

Module Four_ Building HBA Funnels


Thanks for reading, and if you are ready to become an HBA funnel builder member, aka All In One $25 Digital Business, I will make an affiliate commission if you buy it from my links. You are most welcome to be part of my team.

Are you a beginner in affiliate marketing or want to learn how affiliate marketing works?

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*Disclaimer: Some of the links are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I appreciate your love and support!

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